You received the service of Tutoring of the Basic Operating System from TDM - this is your payment item.
You received the service of Tutoring file and data management from TDM - this is your payment item.
You received the service of Tutoring from TDM in the operation and use of 3rd party software - this is your payment item.
You received the service of a PC Health assessment from a TDM staff member - this is your payment item.
You received the service of a PC Health assessment and servicing from the TDM staff - this is your payment item.
You received the TDM Silver Service of your PC or laptop - this is your payment item.
You received the TDM Gold Service of your PC or laptop - this is your payment item.
You received the TDM Diamond Service of your PC or laptop - this is your payment item.
Payment Processing Page
You received the service of Tutoring of the Basic Operating System from TDM - this is your payment item.